Saturday, October 30, 2004


Friday, October 29, 2004

“Hello, Unlce? I'm Joel here. Is 阿妈 in?……

That boy beside me was saying all that in stuttering Cantonese to his Grandma. But somehow it all seemed so grown-up. Compared to all the great sounding dreams that teenagers brag about, that now seem somehow shallow. But here, within such a simple conversation, I was encouraged. Glad for that utterly frank sincerity that came forth from his voice. Perhaps, we in Singapore haven't yet figured out how much we've lost when we forsook the dialect tongue.

Thursday, October 28, 2004


Monday, October 25, 2004

Ok. Think I've wasted enough of the night drinking enough (ribena). That's all for the day, and for the weekend I guess. Nite.
Get tired so easily nowadays. Can't be out for more than half a day, or I'll start to feel the strain. Sucks. Seem to remember a time when I had so much energy to run around and go out till late and all and still stay up late at night! wait... maybe that was because I slept during lessons so much of the time.... :X

Thursday, October 21, 2004




Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Sunday, October 17, 2004

Scrape "fate". Mayhaps, I have come to decide that fate IS decision. The decision to take hold of something when it comes near you, and the decision to be taken hold of. Maybe it's not that you just can't "clique" with someone - but that you have decided not to open your heart, not to connect. You did away with the handshaking protocol and now you're out of phase. Maybe. But every so often I find it so hard to make friends I can connect to. At the level I would like to. And once in a while I talk to someone who seem to "really understand". I wouldn't like to put people down and think that they're too shallow, but perhaps I should ask myself, why I must deny myself of friendship and think so much and drive myself into solitude. Today, I found out that, if you end up alone, you probably DECIDED to be alone. But as strange as it seems, I think I'm still trying to figure out why I would decide to be alone...

Friday, October 15, 2004



Thursday, October 14, 2004

I think we should require people to apply for a license when they want to get online. There're just too many unprotected machines out there, offering themselves to be exploited and used to fill your mailbox and mine with spam. Why do we not consider people who don't keep their machines clean as being inconsiderate? It's almost like personal hygiene. If you wash your hands and wipe your ass, surely you can do your virus scan and firewalling (virus scan => hands; firewall=>ass hmmm haha). No, no more excuses that you can't understand these machines, or that you don't know about computers. Go do your homework! If you don't, I hope you pay your ass off and employ someone to look at your machine every other month.

Then, maybe we can start talking about our Indelible Inedible Spam™ Problem and free up some of the world's bandwidth for more pr0n... ooops i mean, for more purposeful online activities :P

Sinners, turn: why will you die?
God, your Maker, asks you why.
God, Who did your being give,
Gave Himself, that you might live;
He the fatal cause demands,
Asks the work of His own hands.
Why, you thankless creatures, why,
Will you cross His love, and die?

Sinners, turn: why will you die?
God, your Savior, asks you why.
God, Who did your souls retrieve,
Died Himself, that you might live.
Will you let Him die in vain?
Crucify your Lord again?
Why, you ransomed sinners, why,
Will you slight His grace and die?

Sinners, turn: why will you die?
God, the Spirit, asks you why;
He, Who all your lives hath strove,
Wooed you to embrace His love.
Will you not His grace receive?
Will you still refuse to live?
Why, you long sought sinners, why,
Will you grieve your God, and die?

You, on whom He favors showers,
You, possessed of nobler powers,
You, of reason’s powers possessed,
You, with will and memory blessed,
You, with finer sense endued,
Creatures capable of God;
Noblest of His creatures, why,
Why will you forever die?

You, whom He ordained to be
Transcripts of the Trinity,
You, whom He in life doth hold,
You for whom Himself was sold,
You, on whom He still doth wait,
Whom He would again create;
Made by Him, and purchased, why,
Why will you forever die?

You, who own His record true,
You, His chosen people, you,
You, who call the Savior Lord,
You, who read His written Word,
You, who see the Gospel light,
Claim a crown in Jesus’ right;
Why will you, ye Christians, why,
Will the house of Israel die?

Turn, He cries, ye sinners turn;
By His life your God hath sworn;
He would have you turn and live,
He would all the world receive;
He hath brought to all the race
Full salvation by His grace;
He hath not one soul passed by;
Why will you resolve to die?

Can ye doubt, if God is love,
If to all His mercies move?
Will ye not His Word receive?
Will ye not His oath believe?
See, the suffering God appears!
Jesus weeps! Believe His tears!
Mingled with His blood they cry,
Why will you resolve to die?

Dead, already dead within,
Spiritually dead in sin,
Dead to God while here you breathe,
Pant ye after second death?
Will you still in sin remain,
Greedy of eternal pain?
O you dying sinners, why,
Why will you forever die?

What could your Redeemer do
More than He hath done for you?
To procure your peace with God,
Could He more than shed His blood?
After all His waste of love,
All His drawings from above,
Why will you your Lord deny?
Why will you resolve to die?

Sinners, turn, while God is near:
Dare not think Him insincere:
Now, even now, your Savior stands,
All day long He spreads His hands,
Cries, you will not happy be!
No, you will not come to Me!
Me, Who life to none deny:
Why will you resolve to die?

Can you doubt if God is love?
If to all His mercies move?
Will you not His Word receive?
Will you not His oath believe?
See! the suffering God appears!
Jesus weeps! Believe His tears!
Mingled with His blood, they cry,
Why will you resolve to die?

Wednesday, October 13, 2004




Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Is it I, or is it Christ? No, maybe that's not what we ask ourselves deep inside. Maybe we ask ourselves "Is it Christ's turn or mine?" and we bargain with God. How does one give oneself so completely, that he should not ask "what about me?" It must be deep faith, the kind that trusts that God plans the best. Why do we trust so little? Why must we think that we can do it by ourselves? And when all is well, we forget how badly we wanted Him, when everything around us seemed to be crumbling?

Deep inside, we are confused. Our minds can reason, but we can't convince the heart. Yes, there are things we want badly - but these things represent deeper needs, needs that God can completely satisfy. But no, we don't want God to give us that better version - we just want what we have been asking for all this while... because... we ask... what if God's version can't really make us so happy? What if? And we remember the times we asked and asked and God gave, but we were not satisfied. Why weren't we? We haven't figured out. Maybe it's just that we never trust God enough to give ourselves fully enough... that we could enjoy God's fullness, fully enough.... and we ask God to "prove to us" that He can do it....

God, it takes so much to step onto the water.

s/we/i/g; s/us/me/g;

Monday, October 11, 2004

Another monday afternoon, the week rolls on.
while ($number_days) {

for $day (@weekdays) {

for $day (@weekend) {

$number_days -= 7;


Friday, October 08, 2004






Thursday, October 07, 2004


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

you like one-liners?
char *raise (char s[]) 

*s ? raise(s+1)[-1] |= _
( *s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z') _
/ (32==32) * 32 : 0;
return s;

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

it's the dessert syndrome. it's like you're not hungry, but not really satisfied, and still looking for a little something more, hoping that it will make it all look as if it's been worth it - and you won't let the day go. you stay up and refuse to sleep, unwilling to loose from your hands whatever remained of a day not terrible enough for you to want to forget, nor good enough for you to be contented just to savour its bittersweet aftertaste. oh, for that sweet satisfaction to say "i've had enough" - enough of both the good and the bad when i must finally lay myself down for my eternal rest! but, for now, there is much to learn. and like tonight, i must learn to lay myself down and learn to be contented - contented to know that tomorrow will bring a new hope that will make me glad to know that it's been the best thing just to rest and let go.

good night.

Monday, October 04, 2004

phew. for a while i thought blogger's totally american. as in totally monolingual. was gonna post about how that sucks but good thing it's now straightened out. mebbe i'll find time to tweak this thing sometime...
yeah, got around to it finally. couldn't stand not having a webbie around, and my current web host doesn't seem to be giving a damn about my email. So here's autumnwind iii, more distilled than ever. pure content. until content bores me and i start doing design, of course. yes, and a no-capital startup for a first post....

can't blame me. fingers itchy. need to write. need a presence. dun need an audience - ever heard of "intellectual masturbation"? if you need an audience it wouldn't be called that anymore, would it? ooh kinky.

just in case i'm raising expectations too high, no, there ain't no "adult stories" in here. if you want those you can sign up for free stories in your mailbox uhm here.