Give me anything, anything at all, and I can tell you what I like about it, and why. But it would be my own perspective, run through my own design sense; I cannot really say I understand fashion - at least not in the sense of being able to give you a reason why I would love a prada and hate an LV. But I think Fashion, is one of the most important industries in recent civilization.
For a lot of people, glamor is the heart of Fashion. The Runway, the price tag, the Names. Fashion has this power to infect people with its own sense of design - why one color is "correct" and another is "wrong". It creates an idea about what a bag or a shoe is, packages that idea into a product, brands the product into a merchandise, broadcasts the merchandise through the media and retail to create a sensation, and finally runs it through Society's set of values and mechanisms and filters it into a Desire. Fashion transforms an Ideas into a Desire - the dream of every industry with a commercial focus. Other industries tend to squeeze every last drop of commercial value out of each Desire, cascading less desired products down to more budget-friendly lines to present a "fuller" range of products, but Fashion, doesn't recycle. It creates new Ideas all the time.
In Fashion, new ideas supersede old ideas rapidly. As much as each idea creates in its own right a unique desire that shapes people's shopping lists and budgets, old ideas get thrown out like it's worth nothing, all the time. This change, to me, is not unlike the change of the times. Every time a new world order comes into play, the old one would be worth nothing from its perspective. Some choose to persist in the old order - many would view these as not coming to terms with reality. For most people, what reality is, would depend on the size and shape of the Desire that created it. Just like how gods in ancient times were defined by the shape and size of the demographics of their worshipers. That's right - through the times, so much has changed, yet so much more hasn't.
I'm not trying to saying that Fashion is the new Religion. What I'm trying to say here is that, all history has one single theme - constant change. And as far as I can understand Fashion, no industry rests its whole existence on constant change, as much as Fashion. If I could be given two words to sum up what Fashion is, it would have to be "changing glamor".
Yes, Fashion represents how our lives are run and how the seasons weave in and out of the times. It's a way of life. It's my way of life. That being said, I still hold that buying branded is, strictly optional.