Disagreeing elements cannot naturally reside together, but there are many ways to make it possible for them to do so. Just as living and dying are never good or bad, acceptance and rejection in their different forms are neither good or bad - they just reflect what everything alive does to remain alive.
- Organic integration / aka bound by Chemistry
Host and guest elements find a way around each other and find a part that allow them to click together. Many functional marriages are probably a kind of organic integration, but a good number of those probably go under "cooperation".
- Synergy / aka aligned by a Vision
Host and guest elements put differences aside and focus on co-operating towards a goal that host and guest elements cannot achieve apart from each other. Host and guest elements need not be intimately related; they can have functions separate of each other.
- Cooperation / aka united by the Task
Host element invites guest element to participate in its effort towards a common goal. Host and guest elements need not be intimately bound together; they just need to be functionally complementary.
- Submission / aka bound by Power
Host element invites or forces guest element to participate in its effort towards its own goal. Slavery in all its different forms will come here.
- Compartmentalization / aka agree on the Rules
A box is drawn for the guest element so that it does not come into conflict with the host elements. Buffering disagreement elements with mutually-agreeing elements is a form of compartmentalization. Territorial lines, urban planning would come here.
(rejection accepted)
- Cognitive dissonance / aka Escapism
Imagine that the guest element doesn't exist. Or, imagine that conflict doesn't exist. Societies and families are full of this.
(rejection rejected)
- Assimilation / aka trained through Conditioning
Where a guest element is slowly changed so that it fits in among host elements. Brainwashing would come in here.
- Reconstruction / aka one in Homogeneity
A guest element is taken apart and reconstructed so that it is exactly like the host elements. Digestion?
- Rejection / aka there can only be One
Host element rejects or destroys guest element. Eg, antibodies fighting foreign particles; war on a country with a different religion.