Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Let me change my question

Let me change my question

If you fill a glass up to the middle with water, is it half full or half empty?

If you submerge the same glass of water into a tank of water, is the glass full, or is the glass empty?



A room can become full because it was empty. A room can be empty because it has four walls. If a room had no walls, how can it be full, how can it be empty? What is the purpose of emptiness and fullness? Is your heart full, or is it empty?


Sunday, December 01, 2013


Religion is like a bank that assesses your credit risk based on the strength of how much you believe in your future, and then funds your dream with an equal amount of confidence so that when you invest your energies in your dream, you have enough liquidity to negotiate the uncertainties that stand in front of you.
