Tuesday, May 27, 2014

It's the same 24 hours.

It's the same 24 hours.
Busy is what you do with it.
Happy is how you do it.
Fulfillment is why you do it.
Achievement is when you do it.

Monday, May 26, 2014

The secret of an awesome daily todo list: plan one little event a day that makes you happy!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

TNBT : world history reimagined

Imagine : baggage free history curriculum

What if archeologist and educationists of diverse backgrounds got together and formed a cloud to design a cross-national history curriculum for children between 8 and 18?

What if a generation grew up learning about the world not from one biased perspective, but from the perspective of artifacts and documents, intertwined with an education in human behavioral psychology?

What if a generation grew up seeing world history as a universal heritage instead of walls that divide cultures?

Sunday, May 18, 2014


The next-next-next big thing : Imagine Democracy Kickstarter

What if it became cheaper to provide mobile internet access than sinking billions into election campaigns, minister pays, and top-down decisions that don't work?

What if you voted not for people, but for causes?

What if funds available were divided equally among all voters, and your vote determines how much funds the cause actually gets?

What if policies were drafted by a Parliament which can present proposals and analysis, but the Parliament has no power to decide - the power to decide were given back to the people?

What if the government were not subjected to the power structure they build up, but are constantly subject to the vote market, proposal after proposal?

What if the ballot ticket had not only YES and NO, but also RE-PROPOSE to demand the proposal to be redrafted?

What if all the time you spent on Facebook and Twitter, actually counted in Policy?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Before you were born

Do things sometimes feel like they're not going right?
Let me tell you a secret:
Everything is working out exactly according to plan.

Before you were born
You had envisioned this day - 
In fact, you planned every single event
So meticulously laying out every hour
In your Masterplan; and now
Everything is coming to life
Exactly how, exactly when, exactly where you had meant it to.

So the next time you're wondering
What's wrong? Why are things so?
Try instead to recall:
What was that single perspective you had taken
That made everything look right
Before you were born?

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pascal's Wager

The dilemma of believing in the Christian God on the basis of Pascal's Wager results in the strange situation where the one thing you believe in more than God him/herself, is the value of your personal gain. If you keep that position in your faith, you will break the 1st commandment. If you don't keep that position, you invalidate the reason you chose to believe in God, releasing you from the faith. Applying Pascal's Wager to another religion would therefore be much simpler.

Monday, May 12, 2014


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not compare, it does not rank, it does not favor top performers. It does not pathologize, it is not profit-oriented, it does not make short-sighted responses, it cannot be quantified for arithmetics. Love cannot be abused to hurt, but rejoices when the hurting are set free. It always takes the blow, always believes in the face of betrayal, always hopes when things go wrong, always runs the full marathon to the finishing line.

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Without the Grid

Without the Grid

How do you invite someone home for dinner,
If the land line
Is digital somewhere?

How do you get an invitation card delivered,
If logistics is real time
And digital?

How do you buy your ingredients,
If your retailer pays rent

How do you locate a local farm
If you cannot search that

How do you drive over
If traffic lights
Are controlled digitally?

You'd walk over to your friends house
Which is probably within walking distance
Because without the Grid
You'd probably not get to know
Someone living that far away anyway.


The next-next-next big thing :  Just-In-Time Manufacturing

Imagine: You order a new handphone, selecting the customizations you want - features, design, customized printing and name engraving. You click "submit", and your new phone arrives the same evening.

Imagine: You enter your credit card number and click "submit" - and in that moment, an autonomous car starts driving your way, loaded with the 3D printers, weaving and painting robots and everything to manufacture your order. The car's route is optimally planned, considering road conditions and manufacturing time. When the car hits your doorstep, your product has just been sealed into the box.