Saturday, August 30, 2014

Random Trains - Surviving Prostitution

1. Convenience is being able to enjoy a certain benefit without having to experience the unpleasant experiences usually associated with that benefit.

2. If you honestly think that the "unpleasant experience" is "the journey" that should be enjoyed, then the benefit is not a convenience but an inconvenience you honestly want to avoid. 

3. Part of the daily business of surviving is using whatever resources we have to provide this convenience to other people in order to maximize your chances of surviving.

4. When you start considering that your body and time are among these resources, people start labeling what you do "prostitution".

5. They do so while making sure their friends think that whatever they label as "prostitution" must be bad, because they are invested in "the journey", and being able to bypass the unpleasant experiences modifies the game in a way they are unable to handle.

6. They don't want you to think that your body and your time are something that you can think about as resources.

7. But your body, and by extension your health, and your time, and by extension your company, is the only things you really have.

8. However, their proposition makes sense. Consider that all other resources are things that don't really belong to you.

9. It makes so much more sense to take something that isn't really yours and give it to someone else in order to give yourself a higher chance of surviving.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Random thoughts

Random thoughts

Insurance is just a complicated way to allow you not to trust the guy who's gonna help you out in the moment of your most dire needs.

Selfies are the most graphic expression of our fear of oblivion.

Equality is treating everybody like a different animal, lined up from small to big on a very, very long sea-saw pivoting on a fulcrum so that the whole sea-saw is exactly balanced. Inequality is when the fulcrum is shifted so far the sea saw becomes a slide, and the big animals tumble on the small animals while blaming the small animals for not being big enough.

Reality is a drawing made by painting layer upon layer of dreams on the canvas of social constructs around you. How your masterpiece turns out depends on the color of your imagination and what you see on a canvas that is almost never completely white.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


The only imperfection that plagues our otherwise perfect being is our inability to see why everybody else is also perfect.

Saturday, August 16, 2014



Tuesday, August 12, 2014


If depression has one thing to teach us, it must be that the present moment is the most powerful force at work in us, more powerful than all our personal history and collective civilizations combined.

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

TNBT: gamed natural selection test tube babies

TNBT: gamed natural selection test tube babies

Imagine genetic material taken from eggs and sperms made to compete with a battery of other genes to gain successful traits before combining to form a foetus. If the whole mate finding game is to have superior offspring, why not fast-forward evolution?

Saturday, August 02, 2014

Whatever you're doing right now - stop for a minute and say after me: THIS IS THE LIFE! Cos there ain't any other life you're gonna get except the life you decided to live today!

Friday, August 01, 2014

