Saturday, July 25, 2015

Danger without death
Progress without pain
Community without commitment
Security without struggle
Butchery without blood

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

If life includes the birth, the death, and everything in between, how can one be pro-life without also being pro-birth and pro-death? If one were pro-staying-alive, does it also mean one is anti-death? If one is anti-death, where does one find the resources to make pro-birth sustainable? Can the future actually be anti-death and anti-birth? If death were defeated to the point of making birth taboo, is extinction inevitable? Is being anti-extinction the same as being anti-life?

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

#redpillbluepill Sometimes I wonder if the reason all this feminism isn't working is because women prefer to make use of their gender to negotiate a position where they are able to delegate responsibilities that are not essential for progressing evolution to those willing to help them secure resources while accepting as a reasonable trade off the sacrifice of those of the same gender without the skills to navigate such negotiation. I cannot otherwise imagine a human being coming up with lame excuses and confusing signals to influence those around them instead of simply going ahead to do what they have to to achieve what they want.

Friday, July 17, 2015


Sleep is like a horny gentleman
Unremarkable and not particularly interesting
The kind of date we'd go out with when everyone else is busy, and quickly forget
Once our schedule gets filled up with more exciting endeavors
But we also forget
That he waits silently in our beds
Face toward the wall, night after night
For a shagged bag of us to return
Worn and bruised
To allow ourselves to fall in
Face down
As we let go of all inhibitions
And give in to his skillful ravishing of our bodies
Filling us up
With a strange satisfaction
As we stare into the darkness behind our eyelids
Recounting how we kill ourselves
One day at a time.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Legalization isn't the macro version of self-abandonment. Legalization is the macro version of self-acceptance. It's looking at the mirror and recognizing what you need to live with to move on.

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Truth is the blanket term we give to everything that we are unable to show to be falsehood by proving that two rules that arbitrarily belong to a system cause a contradiction to occur. Which is to say, while truth is not caused by falsehood, that the concept of truth cannot preexist the concept of falsehood, just like the concept of darkness cannot preexist the concept of light.

And truth, in that sense, is very much like darkness - in that one single ray of light can render darkness imperfect, just as one single shadow of falsehood, can render truth imperfect; but only because light attempts to define according to its own qualities what darkness is, just as falsehood attempts to define according to its own standards what truth is - but before light, and before falsehood, everything is dark, everything is true, and nothing is dark, and nothing is true.

But in a post-light world existing as a creature that uses (visible) light to sense the world, I can experience only a fraction of what everything out there really is: whatever I believe to be true does not in the slightest way change the undefinable reality - but what I believe to be false, gives shape to everything that is reality is to me.


Friday, July 03, 2015

Nobody is ever "ready" for anything - until after the decision is made and there's no going back.