Sunday, July 10, 2005

Maybe it was the beer. Maybe it was the rhythm. Maybe it was the deejay. Or maybe it was stuff in the beer, I don't know. What I remember was the beat vibrating though the stool, though the wall, and ultimately under the floor though which everyone was inexplicably connected to the music. And suddenly it was smooth, and suddenly it was heavy, and I could feel it beating in me, as if my organs were too, were beating to it. Suddenly the lights were flashing, suddenly the beat was in me. And then, just so suddenly again, the beat took over me. I could feel the pulse in my legs and arms, and my body began to move in unfamiliar half-beats. It was my body, assimiliating the drumbeats into my system... there was something strange and unfamiliar about it... but I should quite think, that that night, I was dancing.

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