Sunday, February 16, 2014


Religion and Passion are always more seductive than Science because science fails us in two areas: its processes and its practitioners.

Science fails us because it does not consider inspiration to be part of its processes - science is based on data, and the data we collect is limited by our ability to imagine. If you can't measure it, it doesn't exist - and throughout the times we have depended on visionaries who think up new ways to measure the world around us, or accidents in science that lead people do discover the same. There is still so much of the world out there that doesn't exist in the eyes of science. Religion and culture always stand by us to assure us that we need to keep on believing, until science catches up with reality.

Science fails us because scientists always promise the ideal but reality delivers the sustainable. Scientists are very exact people - and that goes into the perception of their responsibility to the world. If an economic pressure prevents a scientific discovery from benefitting society, scientists don't own up to the failure. If a scientific theory is difficult, it is always the layman's fault that he doesn't find science accessible. I remember it was promised that music distributed on cd will be cheaper than music distributed on cassettes but that never happened. Climate scientists try so hard to prove climate change, but the fight is political. Activists on the other hand know how to connect facts to reality.

Scientists owe the world as much as the world owe scientists. The failure of science isn't the failure of the institution of science. It is a witness to how we work best together because we're all different in different ways.


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