Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Eleven Questions from Cyril

Eleven Questions from Cyril

Disclaimer: everything below is personal opinion. 

1) What are we made of? Particles? Waves? Does it matter? 

Rainbows are made of light but when you split light you get a spectrum, not a rainbow. Rainbows are a transient phenomenon that require light, as much as we are natural phenomenons that require matter in the form of our bodies. Rainbows and "us" are just words we assign to how we perceive these phenomenon. 

Our bodies are made of mostly space, littered with what we currently know as quantum particles bound together by at least four basic forces: the strong nuclear, the weak nuclear, Gravity, and electromagnetism. Biology is a phenomenon just like rainbows that work on top of these basic units. 

It matters as much as a rainbow needs to be a rainbow. But then it's "us" to whom whether a rainbow is a rainbow matters. If we are no longer us, we cannot matter to ourselves. But we are alive and life is by definition self-perpetuating; our biology ensures that it matters to most of us. 

2) What is love? 

Love as a feeling is the disposition our brains are in when it's in a balance pf dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin. This disposition opens us to associate the concept of survival with group survival (sometimes taking the form of a "identity") as a solution to personal risks. This does not mean one become selfless but rather more "self-full" - one extends what one thinks of as the self and therefore the range of what one uses and protects to survive. 

3) What will you think about if you were to die in the next five minutes? 

Where can I get meth, quick?

4) Is there a separation between mind and body? 

Yes. The body is made of matter. The mind is made of rainbows. See (1) above. 

5) Are systems of belief arbitrary? 

Yes. But some are useful.  See this library of arbitrary writings:

6) If you believe that the universe couldn’t have happened without “God”, then how did “God” happen? Why does your logic only stop at “universe” and not extend to “God”? 
7) Why did your “God” make gays?  

Because everything is rainbow. 

8) What happens when you stop using language to see and judge yourself and others? 

Assuming that language continues to exist and I surgically opt out of it - everything would be less understandable but more accurate. It'd be like having a base-pi number system with which I can write down the exact value of pi, but nobody would understand me. Words are like digital technology - always  inaccurate by a very accurate amount. 

I would not stop judging, because judging is a fight-or-flight response in my biology. 

9) Is there a place before and after words? 

Yes. When we struggle to express ourselves,  we're trying to leave that place. When we struggle after an awkward pause, we trying to run back to that place. There is no forgiveness in that place because there is no sin. There's also no promises and commitments, no laws that raise our probability of survival. That's why we keep on coming back to this world. 

10) Did you design your thoughts? Do you control your thoughts or do they control you? 

Words are an extension of my fight-or-flight response, just like biology is an extension of physics. My words seem to control me because of love. See (2) above. 

11) Is happiness the only thing that is important?

No. air, food, water, and sleep are too. Happiness is not a result of life; it's a mechanism that statistically ensures most people stay alive.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

We watch the Olympics because somewhere deep in our ill informed minds, we think the only reason we're not there winning the golds is because we never decided to train for it. The Paralympics don't get to do that because we are unable to imagine ourselves competing as a disabled person.

Businesses are forced to feature actors and spokesmen from the mainstream because that is the demographic that contributes most to their revenue in order to make their investments worth it.

We grew up conditioned to imagine futures our teachers and parents repeatedly told us. Reality always exceeds our imaginations, and we struggle to pretend that we are above it.

But the way we spend gives us away. Because where our money is, there our hearts will be also.

PS I watched neither the Olympics nor the Paralympics. I enjoy sports, but they're performing at a level too far beyond me for me to really understand.


Since recent phones have not challenged my imagination, thought I'd try to list what would.

1. Joinable sheet like Extension screens

2. Contactless in-bag charging

3. Spatial location awareness, spatial location services

4. Directional sound

5. 100 meter range non line of sight wireless personal area network

6. Phone-to-phone networking

7. Self standing phone - just place phone edge tilted on any stable surface to stand.

8. Tactile touch screen

9. Built in Projector

10. 360x360 degree zoom able video

Wednesday, September 07, 2016





Friday, September 02, 2016





Thursday, September 01, 2016

IMAGINE what if all tax money were managed in a digital currency pinned to the national currency, and all payouts as well as the private expenditure of persons in public offices were traceable and public?

You could receive a report that traces which minister spent the dollar you paid in taxes and on what. Don't you deserve to know?