Thursday, October 20, 2011

words. make them count.

there are words in silences, as there is music in silences. words start to count when you start to really hear what's in the silences, because silence is not the absence of sound, but the breath that we breathe into every word we write, every song we sing. making someone speak before his breath, is not communication. only when you let him breathe his breath into his words, are his words connected to him.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

life is not about winning the fight or rising above the fight:
life is the fight, and the fight is life.

being alive is about being in a constant war against decay.

dying is the unseen part of living. my guess why the earth is not one single life-form but divided into individual creatures is so that each creature is the growth endpoint for its own cancers.

nature is neither kind nor unkind.
nature is the so far the only proven way how things can sustainably work.
and in this proven way, you are to fight - or be the endpoint of your own decay.