Tuesday, June 30, 2015


We make secrets and keep them
Unspeakable, like a pleasurable pain,
Because picking out the weakest,
The part we feel most vulnerable,
And hiding it like a bruise from our most beloved
Gives us the comfort of telling ourselves
We have become stronger than
That part of us we have bullied into silence : ( never realizing that
The stronghold of smiles we surrounds ourselves with
Betrays the exact shape of that which we have built our fortress around - )
Until one day we suddenly realize
That in the dimensions of time we are all fragile -
Free to be broken
Like the cocoon of an emerging butterfly
Broken to be free.

Monday, June 29, 2015


1. Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's for you.
2. Just because it's illegal doesn't your children aren't already doing it.

Sunday, June 07, 2015

If we were a society of superheroes we would not build public infrastructure that only the able bodied can use, build economic systems that profit only the affluent and intelligent, and slap the word "disabled" on people and tell them how they should live. With more power comes more responsibility - but more power does not equate more privilege, and more responsibility does not mean more rights.