Saturday, June 15, 2013

Translation is an Art

Translation is an Art

The challenge of translation, is not so much about whether the listener has understood what the speaker had said - a job increasingly taken up by machine translation and AI. the challenge of translation, is about whether the listener understood anything that the speaker DIDN'T say - something that happens even when the speaker and listener are speaking the same language.

When you are listening to a translation, you are always listening to something the translator has created as he transplants an idea from another language, creating a context of words that highlight what he thinks the speaker intended to be read into, hiding what he thinks the speaker intentionally left ambiguous.

It can be a dangerous thing to read between the lines of any translated text, without first learning about the purpose and process of how the text ended up in the language you speak.


Sunday, June 09, 2013


In the beginning there is dao. Then perfection was invented. Perfection gave birth to imperfection. But both perfection and imperfection are dao.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Knowledge, Intuition, Experience

Knowledge, Intuition, Experience

No, experience doesn't allow you to skip steps. Intuition comes close by letting you take calculated risks when skipping steps. Experience on the other hand, lets you run through the steps so fast that you're done before someone can spell out all the steps. But knowledge through analysis, that's what allows you to skip steps.


Monday, June 03, 2013

Pre-Scientific Remedies

There are products that don't claim any effects.
And products that imply without claiming.
And products that claim without backing it up.
And products that back it up with folklore.
And products that back it up with positive user endorsement, ignoring the negative dataset.
And products that back it up with endorsement from researchers of dubious bias.
And products that back it up with dubious research.
And products that back it up with fake research papers.
And products that back it up with real research results.
How do customers choose between these products but try for themselves?
