Monday, October 04, 2004

yeah, got around to it finally. couldn't stand not having a webbie around, and my current web host doesn't seem to be giving a damn about my email. So here's autumnwind iii, more distilled than ever. pure content. until content bores me and i start doing design, of course. yes, and a no-capital startup for a first post....

can't blame me. fingers itchy. need to write. need a presence. dun need an audience - ever heard of "intellectual masturbation"? if you need an audience it wouldn't be called that anymore, would it? ooh kinky.

just in case i'm raising expectations too high, no, there ain't no "adult stories" in here. if you want those you can sign up for free stories in your mailbox uhm here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You got an audience.

Sort of.


You can classify my post as an "intellectual burping".
Which would be a lot better viewed in public as opposed to "intellectual masturbation"?

I'm gonna go lie down now.