Thursday, October 14, 2004

I think we should require people to apply for a license when they want to get online. There're just too many unprotected machines out there, offering themselves to be exploited and used to fill your mailbox and mine with spam. Why do we not consider people who don't keep their machines clean as being inconsiderate? It's almost like personal hygiene. If you wash your hands and wipe your ass, surely you can do your virus scan and firewalling (virus scan => hands; firewall=>ass hmmm haha). No, no more excuses that you can't understand these machines, or that you don't know about computers. Go do your homework! If you don't, I hope you pay your ass off and employ someone to look at your machine every other month.

Then, maybe we can start talking about our Indelible Inedible Spam™ Problem and free up some of the world's bandwidth for more pr0n... ooops i mean, for more purposeful online activities :P

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