Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Rush Hour Etiquette

01. Stand left, walk right. Even if you're reaching the top/bottom of the escalator, continue walking. If you have to stop because you're reaching the end, keep left. Common sense - if you stop walking, how on earth is the guy behind you, and the guy behind the guy behind you, and the guy behind the guy who just stepped onto the escalator, going to walk right?

02. The reason the queue at the escalator is so long is because everyone's refusing to stand on the step directly behind the guy in front. Don't waste space. If you take three steps to get onto an escalator, use the stairs during rush hour.

03. Don't swing your hands when you walk. You're claiming too much personal space.

04. If you have to read the news, fold it and read it. Don't force the guy standing in front of your read the cover of your papers for the whole half hour on the train.

05. You don't have broadcast rights to the music you bought. Use earphones in the train. Someone might be trying to catch a nap cos he got home at 3am the night before.

06. Leave space for weavers. If you're walking in a group, make sure people who are trying to beat the bell can run through.

07. Move into the centre of the train. Between the rows of seats along the walls of the carriage, you should be able to fit three rows.

08. Don't wait until the door opens and then say "excuse me" in a lift. Make your way to the door before the door opens so that the whole lift doesn't have to wait for you to get off. Waiting 10 seconds for each person to get off means that it takes forever for the guy on the 30th storey to get to his office. No, the math should be 30x(10+f+2d) where f is the time it takes for the lift to get from one storey to the next and d is the time it takes for the door to open or close. And you will need to multiply that number by the number of people in the lift.

09. Kid's don't qualify as "those who need the seat more than others". If you have kids who don't want to sit, make them stand. They've got more energy than anyone else.

0A. The reason train companies put money into contactless cards, small magnetic tickets and so on is so that commutors can clear the gates more efficiently. Don't take your time to take out your ticket and read the LCD to see how much money you have left on your card. You can do that during off-peak.


Anonymous said...

Ok.. i really like your this posting! haha.... its very funny la. Though it's your personal thoughts of how people should behave... haha. COOL!

Eiji Kotaki said...

Hey thanks for dropping by :) Actually I posted this because I really can't stand the rush hour crowd in Singapore... They're not exactly a very uhm... co-operative lot... they just do only that which (1) they will not be fined for, and (2) posters and courtesy campaigns tell them to do... comeon, use your brain, use your brain, use your brain!