Saturday, April 21, 2018

IMAGINE a product search site that lets you understand why a product is what you really want. 10 features:

- search by every product-genre specific feature of a product from hsv color to carbon footprint of specific components

- endorse products and search products/brands by endorsement of people in specified fields

- profile yourself and find products endorsed by people with matching profiles

- search product by durability and running costs and by reason for repair/replacement

- search product by appearance in social media

- view product in augmented reality, in social media photos and videos, and movies/mass media appearance

- view videos and photos in a special mode that lets you tap any product on-screen for purchase information

- search product by performance in specific fields, industries, and user scenarios

- filter product listing by availability/popularity in your GPS location

- search product by designer and profile of all contributing members, including funding shareholders

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